Dressed In Streams - लड़ाई का मैदान (download)


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Following up 2020’s full-length Swaraj: Or, Self-Rule, Dressed In Streams returns with two new tracks, both breaching the ten-minute mark. While Swaraj dealt with the events leading up to the Partition of India (15 August 1947), लड़ाई का मैदान finds the band in 1857, the First Indian War for Independence. Moving backwards through time, DIS has inexplicably found itself reverting to a more primitive musical approach, harkening back to the early material of the band. The regression is purely a return a raw early sound of the band, and the artistry remains progressive as ever. Dressed In Streams is truly peerless, blending Hindustani classical ragas with a triumphant sheen in black metal not often found outside of the Slavic bands of years past. लड़ाई का मैदान is a violent trance. A hazy blur of blast beats, synths, burning vocals, and destructive guitar. An immersive experience, where the smell of gunpowder, dead bodies, and spice warms your smoke-filled nose in the war of summer air.

  1. The Queen of Awadh Addresses Her Fighters From An Elephant On The Battlefield [10:30]

  2. Lucknow Siege (I Will Not Bite This Greased Cartridge) [10:19]

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